News Release
For immediate release
Outstanding Service Brings Home National Award
- Telelink Earns CAM-X Award of Excellence -
Grimsby, ON (October 1, 2021) — Telelink of St John’s, NL has been honoured with the exclusive 2021 Award of Excellence for 18 years. The Award is presented annually by the Canadian Call Management Association (CAM-X), the industry’s Trade Association for providers of call centre services including telephone answering and message delivery. Telelink was presented with the Award recently at the CAM-X 57th Annual Virtual Convention and Trade Show.
We took a calculated risk this past year and changed the way we conduct our call quality monitoring. We wanted to align with what was important to our customers vs what was important to win awards. The feedback from our customers was.. be precise- stick to the script, be accurate and WOW our callers. After 17 years of winning the award, we took the risk to forfeit the award if it meant delivering exactly what our customers told us what was important to them. It was a real nail bitter… We hoped the two programs would align and at the end of the day they did. We were not only thrilled to win the CAMX Award of Excellent for the 18th year in a row but we also were honoured with the best call in North America. What an amazing triumph for our team to take a calculated risk, listen to your customers and believe in your amazing team to deliver!
Cindy Roma, Telelink Co-CEO
Independent judges are contracted by CAM-X to evaluate message services over a six month period. The scoring criteria include:
- Response Time
- Courteousness of Rep
- Accuracy of Call
- Knowledge of Account
- Overall Impression of Call
“Congratulations on winning the Award of Excellence! By winning this award you have demonstrated your commitment to excellence and quality service. Congratulations!” says CAM-X President Brad French.
Now an eighteen-time winner, Telelink States earned the Platinum Plus Award for eighteen years. CAM-X extends its congratulations to the staff of Telelink on their proven quality service to their customers.
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About CAM-X
CAM-X is a Canadian based trade Association for the Call Management industry which includes call centres, telephone answering services, telemarketing services, and other communication services. Their goal is to contribute to their members’ profitability by fostering a willingness to exchange ideas, experiences and solutions while promoting the general welfare and ethical standards of our industry. Please visit www.camx.ca for more information.
Telelink wins the best call in North America for 2021.
On top of an 18th consecutive Award of Excellence, Telelink was also honoured with the single best call of the year! We've captured the audio from that call to share with everyone below.
Get in touch with Telelink today
To learn more about Telelink's award-winning service, please check out our website by clicking this link where you can see our full list of services.